Our Process

Simple, Straightforward and Designed for all Investment Needs

Property Wealth Solutions

Our one-on-one consultation with clients delivers a needs analysis with a short to long-term goal that ranges from a one year to ten-year plan.

Our property wealth solution consultation delivers a solution that matches our clients’ needs with their current income capacity.

Meeting your wealth goals through property is our objective and we are in constant communication with our clients advising on trends, opportunities and up-to-date information.

Our service is the difference.

Property Research & Analytics

We have a team of Property Analysts and Industry Experts searching for in market opportunities.

Our rigour to “do the right thing” by our clients, provides our Nu Wealth criteria that assesses on multiple projects each week before we present them to our clients.

We say “No” to more properties to ensure all property meets our stringent standards in rentability, affordability, saleability, and sustainability.

Raising the standards among Property selection.

& Support

Working with client’s long term, we provide education around market trends & property combined with extensive support are the key pillars of Nu Wealth’s difference.

We provide our customers with ancillary services and access to superannuation, financial advisors, settlement agents, taxation consultants, legal advisors and much more.

At Nu Wealth, we ensure that you are in good hands.

Research that Sets us Apart

The team at Nu Wealth research rigorously, through an extensive analysis of historical data, emerging trends and city planning to secure the widest possible range of opportunities that represent the best current value and future capital growth prospects for each of our clients.

As a client of Nu Wealth you can be sure the investment plan you receive from us is based on the most accurate up to date industry information available.

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